The African Consumer Union, abbreviated as "AUC" is a continental non-governmental non-profit organization that brings together...
About Us
What we Do
Since its creation, UAC has invested in: • Advocacy for the recognition of the AUC, as a continental non-governmental ...
Our Structure
The organs of the UAC are: 1. The Congress: The Congress is the supreme body of the UAC at the continental level; It is made up of all members...
Our Programs

Promotion of consumer rights
The high prices of basic necessities
with its corollaries of social

Air Transport
Air transport in Africa
presents a rather
disappointing picture.

Health and wellbeing
Africa experiences a triple burden of
communicable, non-communicable
and socio-behavioral diseases ...

Urbanization and housing
Africa is the least urbanized
continent on the planet;

Land & mines
The problems of government
land grabbing for the benefit of foreign farmers constitute

Financial services and inclusion.
Africa is the continent with
lower financial inclusion ...

Telecommunications are now
one of the breasts of our economies.

Fight against corruption
The United Nations Convention
against Corruption (UNCAC)
Board Of Directors
The AUC is administered by an Executive Committee responsible for implementing the decisions of Congress. It is responsible for the implementation of programs and projects activities adopted in Congress, preparation and the submission to Congress of the triennial report on the financial and moral situation of the AUC.
The Executive Committee is composed of ten (10) elected members representing the five (5) sub regions in Africa (West, North, Central, East and South), two (2) per sub region. The two members per sub-region are elected among the active members of the sub region.

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